Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hello All... I know I gotta get better at updating if I want to keep ones interested. Well it has been a busy month, we are getting ready to roof our house, we have lumber in the driveway to build the deck and getting things ready for our 2 kids from Michigan to come next week. Little bit of what we been doing... Mama got some beads and figured out how to put them in her princesses hair....
Next the kids finished school... I know have a 4th grader in house and a 3rd grader... they are getting older way to fast!! :( Why can't they stay young and I am finding out the trouble making does actually get worse as they get older too!! We celebrated Graduation from 2nd and 3th grade with dinner at Panera and ICE CREAM treats at Cold Stone Creamery (a great and yummy place for all that have not tried it)... I guess the camara lense cover got a lil taste of the ice cream too...

I got alil ice cream too... Dad passed on the ice cream but did enjoy the time with us.
We also got to attend the Father's Day Parade here where we live... We got to spend the first Father's Day with Daddy Tor... more about how much I appreciate him as Daddy in the next post I do (tomorrow)!!

The the girls loved getting the couple pieces of candy that the boy's let them get... boy they do not want to share the collecting part of the candy... but they gave happily and willingly once they collected it all up :) I love the way the boys show love toward both their sisters... It is amazing what those boys will do for the 2 princesses!! Great Job Malik and Jamal for being such great big brothers.

Not the best picture but we are working on their being photographed skills as we speak!! I Love you guys so much!

We checked out a petting zoo at the carnival and a boat show on the Mississippi River while at the Father's Day Festival too! Let me know if there is some way to upload pics to the blog machine too because I am feeling like this one pic at a time takes too long.. is there a trick??

Also this month, my husband's mother came to our house for the first time... she loved and was very impressed with our home, that gave me a very good feeling... it has been a tough road getting to homeownership that I almost thought was never going to be possible, many times thought that... But here I am a proud homeowner with a loving husband and many great kids to share it all with... It couldn't get better, well it could but I have my family to share it all with as it does get better!! I love you all so much, including the in-laws, relative and my parents... all your support along the way has gotten me here today, without all you I couldn't of done it!

A special shout-out to Daddy coming soon... I know Father's Day passed and I did not post but better late then never... and he did get appreciated in person on the correct day!! I love you Tor, Daddy and my loving husband.

July has much to come, Michigan kids are coming to stay with us, a new roof on the house, hopefully the deck will be completed, siding probably will come in August is my guess, Arielle will have a lil sister-Genesis-her mommie is due anyday now, oh and her mommie got married a couple weeks ago too.

I will work on more regular post... even if I am only doing this for myself... atleast it gives me something to look back on in years to come and refresh those special moments in time, because them seem to go by so fast and almost unnoticed sometimes too.

Taylor Luv,


Friday, June 6, 2008

Field Trip

Well today, my oldest is going on a field trip for school and I am letting him be a photographer on his field trip, of course with only a 5$ disposable camara.... but they are heading to the Metrodome, where the Twins and the Vikings play their games while in season and they are touring that. Then they get to go on a boat ride for an hour to an island and have lunch and board back on the boat for an hour ride back to the buses!!! Well we have very windy weather here today and storm clouds giving action every once and awhile so I don't get to find out weather they got to enjoy the boat ride til he gets home and calls me here at work to tell me how his day went.... I can't wait to hear all about it and share pics from a 9 year old photographer... how exciting.

I bought all the lumber for our deck we are building and went and applied for a city permit this morning too... so that is coming soon also! I just don't have any pics to match up with my story for today just yet... but here is a favorite pic to share to end and make way for a great weekend for everyone! Have a great weekend...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Can anyone help me get the hang of this... how can I add the bloggers I like to read about, how can I bookmark, I don't know... just give me the tips that help, is there a Dummies for Bloggers Book anywhere out there...? Just looking for helpful tips you have found along the way?? Maybe adding music to my page... anything... all advice will help me!! Thanks.
Just another pic to enjoy... one that I really like because Khadija is in the background well actually in front of him but it is just cool how it worked out like this in the mirror!! "She knows what he did..." :)

My Favorite Room in my Home!

My Favorite Room in my Home (I read off another blog and found out everyone was doing their favorite room... and I wanted to participate too, so fun!!).... My daughter's room, Khadija's!! I love her room from the day I did it and still to today 3 1/2 years later! It started like this with the crib... it just screams sunshine and dreamland! I still can not let the clouds and everything go... but when I do change it will only be alittle bit I got this planned out... we will take down the border in the middle and put up a Zebra border and some zebra balances and get black and white comforter, anyways, you get the point the clouds will stay and we will add zebra to the theme!! She has 2 windows and this is one wall, the little fences are the best and I love the flowers on the wall...

Here is her baby bedding and the other window by the closet... we added DREAM and a pic of her at 12 days old, all the kids have 12 day old pics on their wall in their rooms! You can see below the DREAM and her pic above her big girl bed... which is now gone too because we got silver bunk beds now that she is a big sister to Arielle. But this is the day she turned 2 below!

Here is the door way... we added yellow flower hooks for coat or robe! I guess I missed a pic of the closet but we have her name Khadija above the closet door painted in the same yellow as the flower hooks and the DREAM and picture frame.

Here is the dresser that started a brown color and all old and beat up look to it... I finished it off and painted it and now i have this... and I love the little drawers in the middle and also that you can close up the little drawers with the roll-top (desk, type thing that comes down)

Here is the handles that I actually cleaned off the green and white stuff all over them and got them shiny like new... I am so proud of myself with how this room turned out... I LOVE IT!

Below is what I started with....

So that is my favorite room in my homes... I still just feel lighted up and a boost of sunshine each and everytime I walk in the room!! And She sleeps so well in her room too!!!

Taylor Luv,


An Intro to me...

Well, here I am addicted to everyone elses blog each and everyday while I am here at work... I wonder if I can become as good at everyone else here and learn to talk and keep ones interest!! I know I have lots of pics to share as each day of our family passes by and would love to share them will all you... We have a family made of from many lanes but we come together and celebrated "Taylor Day" just yesterday, YES, it was one year ago that we started dating seriously and started to make our family unity together and in just 2 days... we will have been married for 6 months!!

Well I came with 3 kids in to this relationship after being single for 2 years and he had 3 kids but we did not know them yet, well he did but could not get ahold of them at the time, but we have them all in our live and family now... with adding one of them to our everyday household and things could not be better for us. The other two are very much part of us now too and looking forward to many memories this summer and many pics too for they will be coming from 2 states away and staying for awhile!!

So we all one big happy family now!

And that is my family and we have exciting lives in the making and pics to follow us thru each stage too and hopefully find some friends to keep in touch here on the blog machine in the meantime... I am Andrea, my husband is Tor, Diontre' and Alaijah are our 2 kids from Michigan, Malik n Jamal n Khadija n Arielle we have here in our home everyday. It is the "Team Taylor". (Check out the T-shirt)Thanks for spending some time with us today and hopefully I can keep up on the blog and keep your attention as we spend sometime and I learn about the bloggin machine!

Stick around and add me to our regular reads, we have many sports activities, dance recitals, oh and I bought my first house in April and we are adding a deck, siding, roof and already added a large swing set to the backyard, a screen gazebo and making it our home and not a house anymore, I was renting this same house for the past 3 years and now I just bought it, so it is our home. Glad you came to visit me today and let me know who you are and some tips on running the blog machine too... I need all the help I can get.

Just something to end with... cuz I think it is such a precious picture! This was the drive home after a night of dancing to Grandpa's band!!

Taylor Luv,
