Sunday, August 16, 2009

Water Challenge

Today Angie from Angelica Grace Designs is hosting Foto Find Friday on her blog and the theme is water! I don't know how to do the link thinging back to her page so go visit her to see more water pics and one of my favorite blogs to spy on at

Now for my water pics... these were taking at one of our many picnics at the Mississippi River near our home....
Standing on Water...

and now Jamal's attempt at walking on water... :)

And now for a couple pics of what water will do to trees and their roots....

This is really cool looking in person, these washed out roots and HUGH! (as big as us grown ups and remember I am 6 feet tall)

and Malik was able to get get himself tied up and stuck...
Roots as big as us and remember I am 6 feet tall!

And now one last pic to take you to the sky now... (this is just another of my favorites from that day)

Thanks for checking out my water challenge pics!
Taylor Luv,