Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Heart Faces - Joy

Here are my two pictures this week!!! I had to do the adult one this week... because it is truly easy to find a picture of joy in a child's face... but to capture "joy" I mean real joy in an adults face is definitely a precious moment to freeze in time and I did it here with my hero..."my dad" definitely a picture to keep safe... the one person a daughter always want to make happy!!
(It helps that we are at Disney World too)
"Grandpa's Joy"

The next is simply the cutest smile eva.... how the simple things in life can make a 2 year old happy... a princess crown, a pink dress and, of course, a cupcake!!
"Joy's of a Smile"

I hope you enjoyed my joyious moments and they have brought a smile to your face today... I definitely find these two pics to be favorites! Be sure to check out for many enJOYing pictures (dats my father sense of humor...LOL)

Arielle we are still trying to get back in our household, last we heard her mother has let her with grandma to care for... we have filed papers for a court date, waiting on a set day! Please pray for us and Arielle, we hope soon she will be back home us again...

Taylor Luv,


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Heart Faces

Well I am gonna try to figure out how to entry a picture for this contest and May I will WIN too, how fun would that be... check out the contest ova at, and join in on the funness!!

Here is my pic of Khadija in Florida enjoying the warm sun... (This has always been a favorite of mine and is framed in my bedroom!)

Check out the site and join in on the funness too... Lets see your faces pics too!

Taylor Luv,


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday's Laughter

Laughter LivesThis post is part of "Laughter Lives! Tuesday" on the Riggs Family Blog. Check our their blog to read everyone else's "Laughter Lives!" posts.

My Laughter story begins with Jamal...
This was a couple years ago at a religious event, afterwards we went to dinner with my parents in a crowded resturant where I was there trying to decide what to get my boys, we discussed the menu with them several times coming back to the "Grill"Cheese sandwich for Jamal. He says he wants it but then we can't understand what he don't like about it because "Mom knows Best" what her kids like to eat.... and Jamal loves his cheese!!

So we knew what we was gonna order the next time the waitress came by... we were set!! Here she comes we go around the table... crowded resturant and I order Jamal's "Grill"Cheese sandwich and he lets out a big yell and temper tantrum and we can not understand what is the problem, so after we have EVERYONES attention around us... We find out that Jamal does NOT want a "Girl"Cheese sandwich............. He WANTS a "Boy"Cheese Sandwich!!

Of course, he is 100% Boy, so of course, He wants himself a "Boy"Cheese Sandwich.... why can't us parents figure these lil things out!!